(Encyclopedia) Eisner, KurtEisner, Kurtk&oobreve;rtˈ īsˈnər [key], 1867–1919, German socialist. He studied at the Friedrich Wilhelm Univ. in Berlin and edited several leading socialist newspapers…
(Encyclopedia) ElbaElbaĕlˈbä [key], island, 86 sq mi (223 sq km), Tuscany, central Italy, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, 6 mi (9.7 km) from the Italian mainland, part of the Tuscan Archipelago. Iron ore has…
(Encyclopedia) Doumergue, GastonDoumergue, GastongästôNˈ d&oomacr;mĕrgˈ [key], 1863–1937, president of the French republic (1924–31). He entered national politics in 1893 as a Radical Socialist…
(Encyclopedia) Costa e Silva, Artur daCosta e Silva, Artur daərt&oomacr;rˈ dä koŏshˈtə ĕ sēlˈvə [key], 1902–69, president of Brazil (1967–69). An army general, he participated in the 1964 coup…
(Encyclopedia) Copenhagen, battle of, 1801, an important incident of the French Revolutionary Wars. In Dec., 1800, Denmark joined Russia, Sweden, and Prussia in declaring the armed neutrality of the…
(Encyclopedia) European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom or EAEC), economic organization that came into being as the 3d treaty organization of what has become the European Union; established by the…
(Encyclopedia) Apollonius of Tyana, fl. 1st cent. a.d., Greek philosopher, b. Tyana, Cappadocia. A philosopher of the Neo-Pythagorean school, he traveled widely and became famous for his wisdom and…
(Encyclopedia) annexation, in international law, formal act by which a state asserts its sovereignty over a territory previously outside its jurisdiction. Many kinds of territory have been subject to…
(Encyclopedia) hero, in Greek religion, famous person, who after his death, was worshiped as quasi-divine. The heroes might be actual great men and women, real or imaginary ancestors, or “faded” gods…
(Encyclopedia) Jenkins's Ear, War of, 1739–41, struggle between England and Spain. It grew out of the commercial rivalry of the two powers and led to involvement in the larger War of the Austrian…