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(Encyclopedia) BuraimiBuraimib&oomacr;rīˈmē [key], group of small oases, SE Arabia, on the border between Abu Dhabi and Oman. In the 1950s the area, rich in oil, was claimed by Saudi Arabia.

Iraq War Timeline, 2010–2011

Read about major events in the Iraq War that occurred in 2010 and 2011. by Beth Rowen 1920s–1999 • 2002 • 2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007…

State Department Notes on United Arab Emirates

U.S. Department of State Background Note Index: People Government Political Conditions Economy U.S.-U.A.E. Relations PEOPLE The U.A.E. was formed from the group of tribally organized Arabian…


(Encyclopedia) Hagi Hagi häˈgē [key], city, Yamaguchi prefecture, W Honshu, Japan, on the delta of the…

Muhammed Atef

Former al-Qaeda military leaderBorn: 1944Birthplace: Menoufya, Egypt Born Sobhi Abu Sitta, he took the name Muhammad Atef and other aliases after joining Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, al-…

Bar-Hebraeus, Gregorius

(Encyclopedia) Bar-Hebraeus, GregoriusBar-Hebraeus, Gregoriusbär-hēbrēˈəs [key], 1226–86, Syrian scholar, bishop of the Jacobite Church. Partly Jewish in ancestry, his original name was Abu-al-Faraj…


(Encyclopedia) AlbumazarAlbumazarälˌb&oomacr;mäˈzər [key], 805?–885, Arab astronomer, more fully Abu-Mashar Jafar ibn Muhammad. In his De magnis conjunctionibus he claimed that the world had been…

Aravalli Hills

(Encyclopedia) Aravalli HillsAravalli Hillsəräˈvəlē [key], hill system, N India, stretching 350 mi (560 km) through Rajasthan state. Divided into the Sambhar-Sirohi and the Sambhar-Khetri ranges, the…

Shafi'i, al-

(Encyclopedia) Shafi'i, al- (Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i), 767–820, Islamic jurist. Raised and educated in Mecca and Medina, he taught in Egypt and Baghdad. His teachings laid the…