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The Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was the first person to walk in space. On March 18, 1965, he floated outside his Voskhod 2 spacecraft for more than 10 minutes. Even though his lifeline extended…

ADAMS, John, Congress, MA (1735-1826)

ADAMS, John, (father of John Quincy Adams; grandfather of Charles Francis Adams; cousin of Samuel Adams; father-in-law of William Stephens Smith), a Delegate from Massachusetts and a Vice…

Paul Dominque LAXALT, Congress, NV (1922)

Senate Years of Service: 1974-1987Party: RepublicanLAXALT, Paul Dominque, a Senator from Nevada; born in Reno, Washoe County, Nev., August 2, 1922; attended the public schools of Carson City,…

Cowell, Henry Dixon

(Encyclopedia) Cowell, Henry DixonCowell, Henry Dixonkouˈəl [key], 1897–1965, American composer and pianist, b. Menlo Park, Calif., largely self-educated, studied musicology in Berlin (1931–32).…

Virginia Beach

(Encyclopedia) Virginia Beach, resort city (1990 pop. 393,069), independent and in no county, SE Va., on the Atlantic coast; inc. 1906. In 1963, Princess Anne co. and the former small town of…

Yellen, Janet Louise

(Encyclopedia) Yellen, Janet LouiseYellen, Janet Louiseyĕlˈən [key], 1946–, U.S. economist and government official, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., B.A. Brown (1967), Ph.D. Yale (1971). Yellen taught economics (…

Presidential Quotes

Words from each American president Compiled by David Johnson Note: Dates indicate term of office. Choose a president:George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James…

Abram Nicholas Pritzker

entrepreneurBorn: 1/6/1896Birthplace: Chicago, Ill. Died: 2/8/1986 The son of Russian Jewish immigrants, Pritzker lived the American Dream. He graduated from Harvard Law School and worked for a…

The Oscars

Oscars–Filmographies Best Director Best Actor Best Actress Best Suppporting Actor Best Supporting Actress Best Adapted Screenplay Best Original Screenplay Best Original Music or Comedy…