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Women Pulitzer Prize Winners in Journalism

See Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism at for the full list of winners.Meritorious Public Service1918New York Times; also special award to Minna Kewinson and Henry Beetle Hough1991Des…

Russian Culture Timeline: Golden Age

Timeline: Russian CulturePart III: The Golden Age by David Johnson 1756 1801 1852 1900 Next: Soviet Period 1756 Czarina Elizabeth allies Russia with France; cult of French Enlightenment (Francois…

Olympic Highlights: 2004

Day-to-day news from Athens by Shmuel Ross and Erin Teare Martin Sunday, August 29 Highlights of the Day A man with a history of disrupting sporting events runs onto the marathon course,…

House of Representatives, 112th Congress

Below is the composition of the 112th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2010 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district represented…

Poetry Month | Notable Poets

Auden, Byron, Chaucer, and more A-B | C-D | E-H | J-M | N-R | S-T | U-Z   Amiri Baraka   Abu Nuwas Addison, Joseph Aidoo, Ama Ata Aiken, Conrad Akhmatova, Anna Aldington, Richard…

Celebrity Baby Names

The interesting, odd, and downright crazy names celebrities give their children compiled by Erin Teare Martin Visit the Interactive Baby Name Finder for more popular baby names.…

Selected Educators and Scholars

Noam Chomsky See also Women Educators and Scholars African-American Scholars and Educators Hispanic-American Leaders and Activists People in the NewsRecent Obituaries…

Notable Protestant Religious Leaders

Billy Graham See also Notable African-American Religious Leaders People in the NewsRecent Obituaries Related Links Christianity Selected Worldwide Religious Sites Holidays:…

House of Representatives, 111th Congress

Below is the composition of the 111th Congress' House of Representatives, following the 2008 midterm elections. In the following lists, the numeral indicates the congressional district…