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John R. FELLOWS, Congress, NY (1832-1896)

FELLOWS, John R., a Representative from New York; born in Troy, N.Y., July 29, 1832; moved to Saratoga County, N.Y., with his parents, who settled near Mechanicville; attended the country…

Back to School Movies

Lights! Camera! Learning!The best school movies ever made by Beth Rowen Sir Laurence Olivier's classic Hamlet With school bells set to ring in only a matter of days, it's time for students…

Barnes Foundation

(Encyclopedia) Barnes Foundation, museum and arborteum in Merion and Philadelphia, Pa. Founded in 1922, it houses the impressive art collection amassed by Albert Coombs Barnes, 1872–1951, a wealthy…

Dessoir, Max

(Encyclopedia) Dessoir, MaxDessoir, Maxmäx dĕswär,ˈ [key], 1867–1947, German philosopher. He earned doctorates from the universities of Berlin (philosophy, 1889) and Würtzburg (medicine, 1892). He…


(Encyclopedia) collagecollagekəläzhˈ, kō– [key] [Fr.,=pasting], technique in art consisting of cutting and pasting natural or manufactured materials to a painted or unpainted surface—hence, a work of…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A pendulum clock: Weight-driven clock mechanism clock, instrument for measuring and indicating time. Predecessors of the clock were the sundial, the hourglass, and the…

Denis, Maurice

(Encyclopedia) Denis, MauriceDenis, Mauricemôrēsˈ dənēˈ [key], 1870–1943, French painter and writer on art. His paintings, usually on religious themes, have not proved so influential as his art…

Ozenfant, Amédée

(Encyclopedia) Ozenfant, AmédéeOzenfant, Amédéeämādāˈ ōzäNfäNˈ [key], 1886–1966, French art theorist and painter. He criticized the cubists after 1912 for creating a merely decorative art form.…

Morris, Robert, 1931–2018, American artist

(Encyclopedia) Morris, Robert (Robert Eugene Morris), 1931–2018, American artist, b. Kansas City, Mo., studied Kansas City Art Institute, California School of Fine Arts, Reed College. He settled in…

Blunt, Anthony Frederick

(Encyclopedia) Blunt, Anthony Frederick, 1907–83, English art historian and Soviet spy, grad. Cambridge. Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art after 1947 and professor of the history of art at…