(Encyclopedia) Young, Arthur, 1741–1820, English agriculturist. His writings hastened the progress of scientific farming. He traveled widely, always observing techniques of farming. In 1784, Young…
(Encyclopedia) Waley, Arthur, 1889–1966, English orientalist, b. London as Arthur David Schloss, educated at Cambridge. He was and still is considered one of the world's great Asian scholars. His…
(Encyclopedia) Symons, ArthurSymons, Arthursĭmˈənz [key], 1865–1945, English poet and critic. A leader of the symbolists in England, Symons interpreted French decadent poetry to the English through…
(Encyclopedia) Tappan, ArthurTappan, Arthurtăpˈən [key], 1786–1865, American abolitionist, b. Northampton, Mass. He made a fortune in the dry-goods business in New York City and with his brother and…
(Encyclopedia) Thistlewood, Arthur, 1770–1820, British conspirator. He acquired revolutionary views while traveling in France and America and, after his return to England, joined the revolutionary…
(Encyclopedia) Schnitzler, ArthurSchnitzler, Arthurärˈt&oobreve;r shnĭtsˈlər [key], 1862–1931, Austrian dramatist and novelist. The son of a prominent Jewish Viennese physician, he studied and…
(Encyclopedia) Schopenhauer, ArthurSchopenhauer, Arthurärˈt&oobreve;r shōˈpənhouˌər [key], 1788–1860, German philosopher, b. Danzig (now Gdansk). The bias of his own temperament and experience…
(Encyclopedia) Rubinstein, Arthur, 1887–1983, Polish-American pianist, b. Łódź. Rubinstein studied in Warsaw and Berlin, making his debut in 1900 with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, conducted by…
(Encyclopedia) Cayley, ArthurCayley, Arthurkāˈlē [key], 1821–95, English mathematician. He was admitted to the bar in 1849. In 1863 he was appointed first Sadlerian professor of mathematics at…
(Encyclopedia) Rackham, ArthurRackham, Arthurrăkˈəm [key], 1867–1939, English illustrator and watercolorist. He is known for imaginative, delicately colored, and cheerful pen drawings, especially for…