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Lennox, Matthew Stuart, 4th earl of

(Encyclopedia) Lennox, Matthew Stuart or Stewart, 4th earl ofLennox, Matthew Stuart or Stewart, 4th earl oflĕnˈəks [key], 1516–71, Scottish nobleman. Related to the royal family, being next in the…

DK Science: Plant Survival

DEFENCESTOUGH ALPINESHIGH UP ON A HOSTXEROPHYTESHALOPHYTESFIND OUT MORESome plants have special features that help them to repel predators. Other plants can survive and even thrive in hostile…

Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st earl of

(Encyclopedia) Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st earl of, 1541?–1576, English soldier. He helped in the suppression of the Northern Rebellion of 1569 and was created earl of Essex in 1572. In 1573 he…

Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st earl of

(Encyclopedia) Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st earl ofEllenborough, Edward Law, 1st earl ofĕlˈənbûrˌə [key], 1790–1871, British statesman; son of the 1st Baron Ellenborough. He served as president of…

Granville, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2d Earl

(Encyclopedia) Granville, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2d EarlGranville, Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2d Earll&oomacr;ˈsən-gôrˈ [key], 1815–91, British statesman. He entered Parliament as a…