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Ten Movies to Watch with Dad

Here are some movies to watch with dad on Father's Day. by Jennie Wood To Kill A Mockingbird Related Links Showbiz Dads Like Father, Like Daughter…

Peck, Gregory

(Encyclopedia) Peck, Gregory, 1916–2003, American movie actor, b. La Jolla, Calif., as Eldred Gregory Peck. Peck studied at New York's Neighborhood Playhouse and debuted on Broadway in The Morning…


(Encyclopedia) goldfinch: see finch.


(Encyclopedia) chaffinch: see finch.


(Encyclopedia) bullfinch: see finch.

Winchilsea, Anne Finch, countess of

(Encyclopedia) Winchilsea, Anne Finch, countess ofWinchilsea, Anne Finch, countess ofwĭnˈchəlsē [key], 1661–1720, English poet. In 1684 she married Heneage Finch, who became (1712) 4th earl of…

wild canary

(Encyclopedia) wild canary: see finch; warbler.

Nottingham, Heneage Finch, 1st earl of

(Encyclopedia) Nottingham, Heneage Finch, 1st earl ofNottingham, Heneage Finch, 1st earl ofhĕnˈĭj [key]Nottingham, Heneage Finch, 1st earl of, nŏtˈĭngəm [key], 1621–82, lord chancellor of England. He…


(Encyclopedia) canarycanarykənârˈē [key], common name for a familiar cage bird of the family Ploceidae (Old World finch family), descended from either the wild serin finch or from the very similar…

Oscars Awarded Posthumously

The Question: Who was the first actor to receive an Oscar posthumously? The Answer: The only actor to win an Oscar posthumously was Peter Finch, who…