(Encyclopedia) states' rights, in U.S. history, doctrine based on the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor…
Senate Years of Service: 1929-1953 Party: Democrat CONNALLY, Thomas Terry (Tom), (step-grandfather of Connie Mack III), a Representative and a Senator from Texas; born near Hewitt, McLennan…
Senate Years of Service: 1846-1855; 1855-1859Party: Democrat; American (Know-Nothing)HOUSTON, Samuel, (father of Andrew Jackson Houston and cousin of David Hubbard), a Representative from…
HOW ELECTRICITY DELIVERS ENERGYNETWORK CONTROL CENTRESOLAR POWERFIND OUT MOREElectricity comes to homes and workplaces through a huge network of power stations and cables. When the supply fails,…
(Encyclopedia) Fay, Sidney Bradshaw, 1876–1967, American historian, b. Washington, D.C. Fay, professor of history at Dartmouth College (1902–14), Smith (1914–29), and Harvard (1929–46), earned his…
(Encyclopedia) genius, in Roman religion, guardian spirit of a man, a family, or a state. In some instances, a place, a city, or an institution had its genius. As the guardian spirit of an individual…
(Encyclopedia) Krylenko or Krilenko, Nikolai VasilyevichKrylenko or Krilenko, Nikolai Vasilyevichboth: nyĭkəlīˈ vəsēˈlyəvĭch krĭlyĕnˈkō [key], 1885–1938, Russian revolutionary and Soviet jurist. In…
(Encyclopedia) Porson, Richard, 1759–1808, English classical scholar, b. Norfolk. A poor boy, he showed such astonishing powers of memory that patrons sent him through Eton and Cambridge. He was…
(Encyclopedia) Beolco, AngeloBeolco, Angeloänjĕˈlō bāôlˈkō [key], 1502–42, Italian actor and playwright. While managing farms belonging to his family, Beolco had much contact with Paduan peasants,…
(Encyclopedia) Rosenthal, MorizRosenthal, Morizmōˈrĭts rōˈzəntäl [key], 1862–1946, Polish pianist; pupil of Liszt. He made his debut in Vienna in 1876, and later made many tours of the United States…