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Food-Borne Diseases: Shigella

ShigellaFood-Borne DiseasesIntroductionE. coli 0157:H7CamphylobacterSalmonellaShigellaListeriaTrichinosis Shigella is a bacterium that thrives in the intestines and causes sudden, severe diarrhea.…

San Jose, Calif.

Mayor: Chuck Reed (to Nov. 2014) City Manager: Debra Figone 2010 census population (rank): 945,942 (10); Male: 475,668…

The World's Most Notorious Despots

The World's Most Notorious Despots by Borgna Brunner Top Ten Despots TamerlaneIvan the TerribleRobespierreJoseph StalinAdolph HitlerMao ZedongFrancois DuvalierNicolae…

Dracula: Fact, History, Mystery

All About Dracula Facts, history, and legends by David Johnson Learn all about Dracula and vampires in our guide to the fact and fiction of the Transylvanian prince. From Prince to…

Sistine Chapel

(Encyclopedia) Sistine ChapelSistine Chapelsĭsˈtēn [key] [for Sixtus IV], private chapel of the popes in Rome, one of the principal glories of the Vatican. Built (1473) under Pope Sixtus IV, it is…


Play one or all of these addictive word puzzles! The hangman games are categorized by topic. Try to figure out the word or phrase by clicking on letters. A new body part appears with every wrong…

Poetry for Summer

And an oily smoke that rolls through the trees/ into the night of the last American summer . . . —Major Jackson compiled by David Johnson The summer's flower is to the summer sweet,…

Roadside Attractions in America

Going on a road trip? The St. Louis Arch, Statue of Liberty and Golden Gate Bridge are great tourist sites. But if you prefer offbeat destinations, check out these roadside attractions and odd…