These books were chosen by a committee of librarians, educators, and other professionals for the Association for Library Service to Children. Younger Readers…
Fair Play by Alicia Potter In State Fair, the 1933 movie musical, the mother aims to win the bake-off; the father, the hog competition; and as for the teens, they're looking for love. Sixty…
A Nasty ParasiteMalariaIntroductionA Nasty ParasiteFever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsA Frustrating, Yet Curable, DiseasePrevention and Cure Charles Lavern, a French army surgeon in Algeria in 1880…
Prehistoric Eggs The earliest fossil animal embryos, dating from the Precambrian era, were found by American, Taiwanese, and Chinese scientists in phosphate deposits in China's Guizhou province.…
Source: iStockFrom Mount Everest as the highest mountain above sea level to Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain on Earth, there are peaks and summits all around us. Mountains used to be seen as the seats…
(Encyclopedia) cheese, food known from ancient times and consisting of the curd of milk separated from the whey.
The numerous cheeses (often named for their place of origin) depend for their…
(Encyclopedia) syphilissyphilissĭfˈəlĭs [key], contagious sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum (described by Fritz Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann in 1905). Syphilis…
CROCODILE EGGSROLE REVERSALASEXUAL BUDDINGLIVE YOUNGFERTILIZATIONFIND OUT MOREAnimals reproduce in one of two ways. In asexual reproduction, animals produce young, which are identical to…