(Encyclopedia) rathrathrä, räth [key], circular hill fort protected by earthworks, used by the ancient Irish in the pre-Christian era as a retreat in time of danger. Some of the larger raths, such as…
(Encyclopedia) TimnahTimnahtĭmˈnə [key] or TimnathTimnahtĭmˈnăth [key], in the Bible. 1 Hill town, S ancient Palestine. 2 Place associated with Judah. It may be the same as 1 or 3. 3 Town associated…
(Encyclopedia) TodiToditôˈdē [key], town (1991 pop. 16,722), Umbria, central Italy, on a hill in the Apennines and on the Tiber River. It is an agricultural and tourist center. The picturesque town…
(Encyclopedia) Torbay, borough and unitary authority (1991 pop. 54,430), SW England. The borough comprises the towns of Torquay, Paignton, and Brixham. On Tor Bay is a noted tourist resort area,…
(Encyclopedia) Savannah, river, 314 mi (505 km) long, formed by the confluence of the Tugaloo and Seneca rivers and flowing SE to the Atlantic Ocean; with the Tugaloo it forms the entire S.C.–Ga.…
(Encyclopedia) SisyphusSisyphussĭsˈĭfəs [key], in Greek mythology, son of Aeolus and founder and king of Corinth. Renowned for his cunning, he was said to have outwitted even Death. For his…
(Encyclopedia) Raymond IV, c.1038–1105, count of Toulouse (1093–1105), leader in the First Crusade (see Crusades). He was also count of Saint Gilles and marquis of Provence. The first great prince to…
(Encyclopedia) Plymouth. 1 Uninc. town (1990 pop. 45,608), seat of Plymouth co., SE Mass., on Plymouth Bay; founded 1620. Diverse light manufacturing is important to the economy. The town, with…
(Encyclopedia) Provensen, Alice, 1918–2018, b. Chicago as Alice Rose Twitchell, and Martin ProvensenProvensen, Alice,prōˈvĕnsĕn [key], 1916–87, b. Chicago, American children's book authors and…
(Encyclopedia) drumlindrumlindrŭmˈlĭn [key], smooth oval hill of glacial drift, elongated in the direction of the movement of the ice that deposited it. Drumlins, which may be more than 150 ft (45 m…