Senate Years of Service: 1940-1945Party: DemocratWALLGREN, Monrad Charles, a Representative and a Senator from Washington; born in Des Moines, Iowa, April 17, 1891; moved with his parents to…
DOUGLAS, Helen Gahagan, a Representative from California; born in Boonton, Morris County, N.J., November 25, 1900; attended the public schools, Berkeley School for Girls, Brooklyn, N.Y., Capen…
Senate Years of Service: 1935-1947Party: DemocratGUFFEY, Joseph F., a Senator from Pennsylvania; born at Guffeyâs Station, Westmoreland County, Pa., December 29, 1870; attended the public…
Senate Years of Service: 1922-1936Party: RepublicanCOUZENS, James, a Senator from Michigan; born in Chatham, Province of Ontario, Canada, August 26, 1872; attended the public schools of…
Senate Years of Service: 1925-1935; 1935-1947Party: Republican; ProgressiveLA FOLLETTE, Robert Marion, Jr., (son of Robert Marion La Follette), a Senator from Wisconsin; born in Madison, Dane…
Senate Years of Service: 1935-1941Party: DemocratMINTON, Sherman, a Senator from Indiana; born in Georgetown, Floyd County, Ind., October 20, 1890; attended the public schools; graduated from…
Senate Years of Service: 1915-1927Party: DemocratUNDERWOOD, Oscar Wilder, (grandson of Joseph Rogers Underwood), a Representative and a Senator from Alabama; born in Louisville, Jefferson…
Senate Years of Service: 1927-1949; 1955-1956Party: Democrat; DemocratBARKLEY, Alben William, a Representative and a Senator from Kentucky and a Vice President of the United States; born near…
HECHLER, Kenneth William, a Representative from West Virginia; born near Roslyn, Long Island, N.Y., September 20, 1914; graduated from Roslyn High School, Roslyn, N.Y., 1931; A.B., Swarthmore…
Senate Years of Service: 1931-1941Party: DemocratBYRNES, James Francis, a Representative and a Senator from South Carolina; born in Charleston, S.C., May 2, 1882; attended the public schools;…