(Encyclopedia) poll, technique for ascertaining the attitudes or opinions of the total, or some segment of the total, population on given questions, usually on political, economic, and social…
(Encyclopedia) Presidents of the United States
Political Party
Dates in Office
Vice President(s)
George Washington
John Adams
John Adams
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies…
(Encyclopedia) musicals, earlier known as musical comedies, plays that incorporate music, song, and dance. These elements move with the plot, heightening and commenting on the action.
Mixing the…
Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Alabama
Member Name Birth-Death ABERCROMBIE, James 1795-1861 ABERCROMBIE, John William 1866-1940 ADERHOLT, Robert 1965- …
Narrative Building BlocksWriting WellTell Me a Story: NarrationNarrative Building BlocksGet Cookin'!Life Line: Personal Narratives Author! Author! When a person is surrounded by disciples, Oscar…
(Encyclopedia) electoral college, in U.S. government, the body of electors that chooses the president and vice president. The Constitution, in Article 2, Section 1, provides: “Each State shall…
Holidays: Religious and Secular, 2005 In the United States, there are ten federal holidays set by law. Four are set by date (New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas Day). The…
In the United States, there are ten federal holidays set by law. Four are set by date (New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas Day). The other six are set by a day of the week…