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Victory Day: Rhode Island

Celebrating the WWII defeat of Japan by Liz Olson In honor of the end of World War II, Rhode Island celebrates Victory Day annually on the second Monday in August. Victory Day, also known…

Barkley, Alben William

(Encyclopedia) Barkley, Alben WilliamBarkley, Alben Williambärˈklē [key], 1877–1956, Vice President of the United States (1949–53), b. Graves co., Ky. After being admitted (1901) to the bar, he…

Presidential Quotes

Words from each American president Compiled by David Johnson Note: Dates indicate term of office. Choose a president:George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James…

Hebrew University

(Encyclopedia) Hebrew University of Jerusalem, at Mt. Scopus, Givat Ram, Ein Karem, and Rehovot, Israel; coeducational. First proposed in 1882, formally opened 1925. It is the world's largest Jewish…

Gallup, George Horace

(Encyclopedia) Gallup, George Horace, 1901–84, American public opinion statistician, originator of the Gallup poll, b. Jefferson, Iowa. After teaching journalism at Drake Univ. (1929–31) and at…

Presidential Trivia

Who was the only bachelor to lead the nation? by Borgna Brunner Presidents Who Were Related to Each Other John Adams was the father of John Quincy Adams. James Madison and…

Anderson, Clinton Presba

(Encyclopedia) Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895–1975, U.S. government official and senator, b. Centerville, S.Dak. He had a newspaper and insurance background before he served New Mexico as treasurer (…

Point Four program

(Encyclopedia) Point Four program, U.S. foreign aid project aimed at providing technological skills, knowledge, and equipment to poor nations throughout the world. The program also encouraged the…

Daniels, Jonathan Worth

(Encyclopedia) Daniels, Jonathan Worth, 1902–81, American newspaper editor and author, b. Raleigh, N.C. In 1925 he joined the staff of the Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer, edited by his father,…

Bohlen, Charles Eustis

(Encyclopedia) Bohlen, Charles EustisBohlen, Charles Eustisbōˈlən [key], 1904–74, American diplomat, born Clayton, N.Y. He entered (1929) the U.S. Foreign Service and undertook several consular…