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(Encyclopedia) guillemotguillemotgĭlˈəmŏtˌ [key], northern sea bird, genus Cephas, of the auk family. The black guillemot, or trystie, Cephus grylle, is about 13 in. (33 cm) long and is very striking…

George V, king of Great Britain and Ireland

(Encyclopedia) George V (George Frederick Ernest Albert), 1865–1936, king of Great Britain and Ireland (1910–36), second son and successor of Edward VII. At the age of 12 he commenced a naval career…

Foraker, Joseph Benson

(Encyclopedia) Foraker, Joseph BensonForaker, Joseph Bensonfŏrˈəkər [key], 1846–1917, American politician, b. Highland co., Ohio. After service in the Civil War, he practiced law in Cincinnati and…


(Encyclopedia) Abilene Abilene ăbˈĭlēn [key]. 1 City (2020 pop. 6,460), seat of Dickinson co., central Kans., on the Smoky Hill River; inc. 1869. It was (1867–71) a…

Kemp, Jack French

(Encyclopedia) Kemp, Jack French, 1935–2009, American politician and government official, b. Los Angeles. He played football while at Occidental College (grad. 1957) and was a professional…

Laud, William

(Encyclopedia) Laud, William, 1573–1645, archbishop of Canterbury (1633–45). He studied at St. John's College, Oxford, and was ordained a priest in 1601. From the beginning Laud showed his hostility…

Pavarotti, Luciano

(Encyclopedia) Pavarotti, LucianoPavarotti, Lucianol&oomacr;chäˈnō pävōräˈtēē [key], 1935–2007, Italian tenor. He made his debut in Italy in 1961, in London in 1963, and in the United States in…

Buffett, Warren Edward

(Encyclopedia) Buffett, Warren Edward Buffett, Warren Edward bŭfˈət [key], 1930–, American financial executive, b.…


(Encyclopedia) ransom, price of redemption demanded by the captor of a person, vessel, or city. In ancient times cities frequently paid ransom to prevent their plundering by captors. The custom of…

supply-side economics

(Encyclopedia) supply-side economics, economic theory that concentrates on influencing the supply of labor and goods as a path to economic health, rather than approaching the issue through such…