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Wentworth, William Charles

(Encyclopedia) Wentworth, William Charles, 1793?–1872, Australian statesman. His exploration (1813) of the Blue Mts. in Australia revealed vast pasturelands in the western part of the continent. In…

boat-billed heron

(Encyclopedia) boat-billed heron or boatbill, a tropical New World heron, Chochlearius chochlearius. With shorter legs and a squatter appearance than most herons, this bird is remarkable chiefly for…


(Encyclopedia) spoonbill, common name for a large wading bird related to the ibis. It has a long bill with a tip like a flattened spoon, with which it captures small aquatic animals. The roseate…

Coolidge, Calvin

(Encyclopedia) Coolidge, Calvin, 1872–1933, 30th President of the United States (1923–29), b. Plymouth, Vt. John Calvin Coolidge was a graduate of Amherst College and was admitted to the bar in 1897…


(Encyclopedia) kiwikiwikēˈwē [key] or apteryxapteryxăpˈtərĭks [key], common name for the smallest member of an order of primitive flightless birds related to the ostrich, the emu, and the cassowary.…


(Encyclopedia) ploverploverplŭvˈər [key], common name for some members of the large family Charadriidae, shore birds, small to medium in size, found in ice-free lands all over the world. Plovers are…

signing statement

(Encyclopedia) signing statement, written comment issued by the executive of a government when signing a bill into law. In the United States, such statements have traditionally been comparatively…

1971 Grammy Awards

Carole KingArchive PhotosRecord of the Year“It's Too Late,” Carole KingAlbum of the YearTapestry, Carole King (Ode)Song of the Year“You've Got a Friend,” Carole King, songwriterBest New Artist of…

November 2007

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World Pakistani…

Robert W. Sarnoff

media executiveBorn: 7/2/1918Birthplace: New York City Son of David Sarnoff, a pioneer in radio and television who had organized NBC in 1926, Robert W. Sarnoff was groomed to succeed his father at…