WorldIndia and the U.S. Agree on Nuclear Pact (March 2): Controversial deal allows India to buy nuclear fuel and components. In exchange, India will separate its nuclear energy program from its…
Born: 8/19/1946Birthplace: Hope, Ark. William Jefferson Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III in Hope, Ark., on Aug. 19, 1946. He was named for his father, who was killed in an automobile…
(Encyclopedia) draft, in banking, order by one party to another party to pay a stated sum to the person or firm in whose favor the draft is made. It is similar in form to the ordinary bank check.…
(Encyclopedia) Dulany, DanielDulany, Danieldy&oomacr;lāˈnē [key], 1685–1753, political leader of colonial Maryland, b. Ireland. He emigrated to Maryland c.1703, studied law, and was admitted to…
(Encyclopedia) English sparrow or house sparrow, small bird, Passer domesticus, common throughout most of the world. English sparrows are 4 to 7 in. (10–18 cm) long, with short, stout bills. The male…
(Encyclopedia) amendment, in law, alteration of the provisions of a legal document. The term usually refers to the alteration of a statute or a constitution, but it is also applied in parliamentary…
(Encyclopedia) guillemotguillemotgĭlˈəmŏtˌ [key], northern sea bird, genus Cephas, of the auk family. The black guillemot, or trystie, Cephus grylle, is about 13 in. (33 cm) long and is very striking…
(Encyclopedia) George V (George Frederick Ernest Albert), 1865–1936, king of Great Britain and Ireland (1910–36), second son and successor of Edward VII. At the age of 12 he commenced a naval career…
(Encyclopedia) Foraker, Joseph BensonForaker, Joseph Bensonfŏrˈəkər [key], 1846–1917, American politician, b. Highland co., Ohio. After service in the Civil War, he practiced law in Cincinnati and…
(Encyclopedia) Abilene Abilene ăbˈĭlēn [key]. 1 City (2020 pop. 6,460), seat of Dickinson co., central Kans., on the Smoky Hill River; inc. 1869. It was (1867–71) a…