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Maurice Hilleman Biography

inventorBorn: 1919Died: 2005 While at Merck, Hilleman pioneered the development of many of the vaccines commonly used today such as MMR, used to combat measles,…

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Introduction   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10     Next by Beth Rowen Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) The film's groundbreaking, seamless combination of live action and…

Algebra: Encountering Expressions

Encountering Expressions Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…

Internet Safety Guide

Whether we are crossing a street or spelling a word, it seems there are rules for everything. “Look both ways before you cross” or “I before E except after C” are rules that we understand to be…

Neither Fish nor Tetrapod

Neither Fish nor Tetrapod Several times a year popular science articles breathlessly announce the discovery of a “missing link,” but in the case of the recently identified fossils of an odd…


Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B.C. in northern India by a man known traditionally as Siddhartha (meaning “he who has reached the goal”) Gautama, the son of a warrior prince.…

The Newbery Medal

For the most distinguished literature for children published in the U.S.; given by the American Library Association. John Newbery was an eighteenth-century British publisher.Since 19221922The…

Selected Biographies: E

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z More Biographies Don't see the biography you're looking for? Search 30,000+ biographies Biographies by Category Arts and…


Distributor:Environmental Media Using an entertaining and informative style, sixteen 15-minute programs explore concepts for understanding ecology and environmental issues. Snappy photography,…