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Displaying 371 - 380

Robert Burren MORGAN, Congress, NC (1925)

Senate Years of Service: 1975-1981Party: DemocratMORGAN, Robert Burren, a Senator from North Carolina; born in Lillington, Harnett County, N.C., October 5, 1925; attended the Lillington public…

Thomas METCALFE, Congress, KY (1780-1855)

Senate Years of Service: 1848-1849Party: WhigMETCALFE, Thomas, a Representative and a Senator from Kentucky; born in Fauquier County, Va., March 20, 1780; moved with his parents to Fayette…

William Seelye LINTON, Congress, MI (1856-1927)

LINTON, William Seelye, a Representative from Michigan; born in St. Clair, St. Clair County, Mich., February 4, 1856; moved with his parents to Saginaw, Mich., in 1859; attended the public…

George Richard LUNN, Congress, NY (1873-1948)

LUNN, George Richard, a Representative from New York; born near Lenox, Taylor County, Iowa, June 23, 1873; attended the public schools at Lenox and Des Moines, Iowa; was graduated from…

William Pitt LYNDE, Congress, WI (1817-1885)

LYNDE, William Pitt, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Sherburne, Chenango County, N.Y., December 16, 1817; attended Hamilton Academy and Hamilton College, and was graduated from Yale…

D’EWART, Wesley Abner, Congress, MT (1889-1973)

D’EWART, Wesley Abner, a Representative from Montana; born in Worcester, Mass., October 1, 1889; attended the public schools of Worcester, Mass., and Washington State College at Pullman; moved to…

Isaac STEPHENSON, Congress, WI (1829-1918)

Senate Years of Service: 1907-1915Party: RepublicanSTEPHENSON, Isaac, (brother of Samuel Merritt Stephenson), a Representative and a Senator from Wisconsin; born in Yorkton near Fredericton,…