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Tropical Diseases: African Sleeping Sickness

African Sleeping SicknessTropical DiseasesIntroductionLeishmaniasis: The Sand Fly's BugGiardiasis: A One-Celled WonderSchistosomiasis: Snail FeverAfrican Sleeping SicknessRiver Blindness Human…


Capital: Montpelier State abbreviation/Postal code: Vt./VT Governor: Phillip Scott, R (to Jan. 2019 Lieut. Governor: David Zuckerman, P (to Jan. 2019) Senators: Patrick…

DK History: Middle Eastern Empires

WHY WAS THE MIDDLE EAST SUCH A RICH PRIZE? BABYLONIANSHITTITESHEBREWSASSYRIANSFIND OUT MOREFrom around 2000 BC, rival peoples in the Middle East fought to either conquer or defend land. Some,…


Plants Without plants, nearly all life on Earth would end. Plants provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe and they provide food for many animals. There are about 260,000 plant species in…

Victor Luitpold BERGER, Congress, WI (1860-1929)

BERGER, Victor Luitpold, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Nieder Rebbach, Austria-Hungary, February 28, 1860; attended the Gymnasia at Leutschau and the universities at Budapest and…

Kids from Nigeria

Continent: Western AfricaClimate: Hot—averaging around 90 degrees in much of the nation. Nigeria has two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. Each lasts about half the year.School: The…