Senate Years of Service: 1905-1924Party: RepublicanBRANDEGEE, Frank Bosworth, (son of Augustus Brandegee), a Representative and a Senator from Connecticut; born in New London, Conn., July 8,…
Which Is More Acidic, Snow or Rain?Advanced-Level Science ProjectsEarth ScienceHow Much Oxygen Is in the Air?Which Is More Acidic, Snow or Rain? You've heard of acid rain, but what about acid snow…
WHY WAS THE MIDDLE EAST SUCH A RICH PRIZE? BABYLONIANSHITTITESHEBREWSASSYRIANSFIND OUT MOREFrom around 2000 BC, rival peoples in the Middle East fought to either conquer or defend land. Some,…
Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll: Dionysus on TourClassical MythologyEat, Drink, and Be Merry: DionysusSex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll: Dionysus on TourYo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Wine!The Kindness of…
Plants Without plants, nearly all life on Earth would end. Plants provide oxygen for humans and animals to breathe and they provide food for many animals. There are about 260,000 plant species in…
BERGER, Victor Luitpold, a Representative from Wisconsin; born in Nieder Rebbach, Austria-Hungary, February 28, 1860; attended the Gymnasia at Leutschau and the universities at Budapest and…
Continent: Western AfricaClimate: Hot—averaging around 90 degrees in much of the nation. Nigeria has two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. Each lasts about half the year.School: The…