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Kakinomoto no Hitomaro

(Encyclopedia) Kakinomoto no HitomaroKakinomoto no Hitomarokäˈkēˈnōˈmōˈtō nō hēˈtōˈmäˈrō [key], ?–710?, early Japanese lyric poet. He is the greatest poet represented in the Manyôshu [collection of…

Wang An-shih

(Encyclopedia) Wang An-shihWang An-shihwäng än-shûr [key], 1021–86, Chinese Sung dynasty statesman. As a chief councilor (1069–74, 1075–76) he directed sweeping administrative and fiscal reforms that…

Senior, Nassau

(Encyclopedia) Senior, Nassau, 1790–1864, English economist. A graduate of Oxford, he was called there in 1825 to fill the first chair of political economy in England. In An Outline of the Science of…


(Encyclopedia) taxation, system used by governments to obtain money from people and organizations. The revenue collected is used by the government to support itself and to provide public services.…

Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir

(Encyclopedia) Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben MeirIbn Ezra, Abraham ben Meirmâr [key], c.1089–1164, Jewish grammarian, commentator, poet, philosopher, and astronomer, b. Tudela, Spain. He traveled widely and…

Habima Theater

(Encyclopedia) Habima TheaterHabima Theaterhäbēˈmä [key], [Heb.,=the stage], the national theater of Israel. Founded in 1917 in Moscow by Nahum Zemach and at first affiliated with the Moscow Art…


queen of CushBorn: late first century B.C. Amanirenas presided over the kingdom of Meroë, the capital of the Cushite dynasty, in northeast Africa. When Roman emperor Augustus levied a tax on the…

excess profits tax

(Encyclopedia) excess profits tax, levy on any profit above a standard level. Chiefly a wartime phenomenon, it is intended to increase revenue during periods of distress and to prevent businessmen…