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Persian art and architecture

(Encyclopedia) Persian art and architecture, works of art and structures produced in the region of Asia traditionally known as Persia and now called Iran. Bounded by fierce mountains and deserts, the…

South Manchurian Railway

(Encyclopedia) South Manchurian Railway, Japanese-developed enterprise, with a trackage of 701 mi (1128 km). The line from Changchun to Lüshun (Port Arthur), originally belonging to the Russian-built…

Howard, Catherine

(Encyclopedia) Howard, Catherine, 1521?–1542, fifth queen consort of Henry VIII of England. She was the daughter of Lord Edmund Howard and the niece of the powerful Thomas Howard, 3d duke of Norfolk…

Lancaster, house of

(Encyclopedia) Lancaster, house ofLancaster, house oflăngˈkəstər [key], royal family of England. The line was founded by the second son of Henry III, Edmund Crouchback, 1245–96, who was created earl…


(Encyclopedia) Tudor, royal family that ruled England from 1485 to 1603. Its founder was Owen Tudor, of a Welsh family of great antiquity, who was a squire at the court of Henry V and who married…


(Encyclopedia) NaraNaranäˈrä [key], city (1990 pop. 349,349), capital of Nara prefecture, S Honshu, Japan. An ancient cultural and religious center, it was founded in 706 by imperial decree and was…

Feng Yü-hsiang

(Encyclopedia) Feng Yü-hsiangFeng Yü-hsiangfŭng yü-shyäng [key], 1882–1948, Chinese general. He held various military positions under the Ch'ing dynasty. Feng's conversion to Methodism in 1914 gained…

Ancren Riwle

(Encyclopedia) Ancren RiwleAncren Riwleängˈkrĕn rēˈ&oomacr;lə [key] or Ancrene WisseAncrene Wisseängˈkrĕnə wĭsˈə [key] [Mid. Eng.,=anchoresses' rule], English tract written c.1200 by an anonymous…

Boleyn, Anne

(Encyclopedia) Boleyn, AnneBoleyn, Anneb&oobreve;lˈĭn, b&oobreve;lĭnˈ [key], 1507?–1536, second queen consort of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I. She was the daughter of Sir Thomas…

Scientists: Applied Sciences and Technology

  Notable Scientists: Applied Sciences and Technology Agriculturalists, computer scientists, electrical engineers, engineers, and inventors     Related Links Computers and…