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Whittingham, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Whittingham, CharlesWhittingham, Charleshwĭtˈĭnjəm, –ĭng-əm [key], 1767–1840, English printer. He established a printery in London in 1789, removing to Chiswick and founding the…

Wilkes, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Wilkes, Charles, 1798–1877, American naval officer and explorer, b. New York City, educated by his father. In 1815 he entered the merchant service and received (1818) an appointment as…

Warren, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Warren, Charles, 1868–1954, American lawyer and historian, b. Boston. He was admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1892. An assistant U.S. Attorney General (1914–18), he served as a…

Wright, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Wright, Charles, 1935–, American poet, b. Pickwick Dam, Tenn. While in the army in Italy (1957–61), he began reading Pound's Cantos, which, along with his Southern roots and ancient…

Wesley, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Wesley, Charles, 1707–88, English Methodist preacher and hymn writer. As a student at Oxford he devoted himself to systematic study and to the regular practice of religious duties; he…

White, Charles

(Encyclopedia) White, Charles (Charles Wilbert White, Jr.), 1918–79, American figurative painter, printmaker, and teacher, b. Chicago, studied School of the Art Institute of Chicago. A left-leaning…

Weidman, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Weidman, Charles, 1901–75, American modern dancer and choreographer, b. Lincoln, Neb. Weidman performed with the troupe formed by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn from 1920 to 1927, when…

Burney, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Burney, Charles, 1726–1814, English music historian, composer, and organist. His General History of Music (1776–89; 2d ed. 1935) was one of the first important music histories in…

Bonnet, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Bonnet, CharlesBonnet, Charlesshärl bônāˈ [key], 1720–93, Swiss naturalist and philosopher. He drew attention to parthenogenesis in aphids, but his theories were highly fanciful and…