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Displaying 351 - 360

Cutter, Charles Ammi

(Encyclopedia) Cutter, Charles Ammi, 1837–1903, American librarian, b. Boston. Cutter cataloged the library of the Harvard Divinity School and in 1860 was appointed as the assistant to the librarian…

Cooley, Charles Horton

(Encyclopedia) Cooley, Charles Horton, 1864–1929, American sociologist, b. Ann Arbor, Mich., grad. Univ. of Michigan (B.A., 1887; Ph.D., 1894); son of Thomas M. Cooley. He taught in the sociology…

Clarke, Charles Cowden

(Encyclopedia) Clarke, Charles Cowden, 1787–1877, English lecturer and author. He was a close friend of Keats, who was a pupil of Clarke's father. Clarke's lectures on Shakespeare were published as…

Charles XVI Gustavus

(Encyclopedia) Charles XVI Gustavus (Carl Gustaf), 1946–, king of Sweden (1973–), grandson and successor of Gustavus VI; son of Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden and Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha…

Charles Borromeo, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Charles Borromeo, SaintCharles Borromeo, Saintbōrōmāˈō [key], 1538–84, Italian churchman, b. near Lago Maggiore. His uncle, Pius IV, summoned Charles, a student at Pavia, to Rome in…

Charles of Blois

(Encyclopedia) Charles of Blois (Charles of Châtillon)Charles of Bloisblwä, shätēyôNˈ [key], c.1319–1364, duke of Brittany; nephew of Philip VI of France. He was one of the chief participants in the…

Charles of Valois

(Encyclopedia) Charles of ValoisCharles of Valoisvälwäˈ [key], 1270–1325, French prince and military leader, third son of Philip III and father of Philip VI. He dominated the reign in France of his…

Charles of Viana

(Encyclopedia) Charles of VianaCharles of Vianavēäˈnä [key], 1421–61, Spanish prince, heir of Navarre; son of Blanche of Navarre and John (later John II) of Aragón. After his mother's death (1441) he…