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Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de

(Encyclopedia) Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte deVergennes, Charles Gravier, comte deshärl grävyāˈ kôNt də vĕrzhĕnˈ [key], 1717–87, French statesman. After serving as ambassador at Trier,…


(Encyclopedia) VasaVasaväˈzə [key], Pol. Waza, royal dynasty of Sweden (1523–1654) and Poland (1587–1668). Gustavus I, founder of the dynasty in Sweden, was succeeded by his sons Eric XIV (reigned…

Rulers of Spain since 1474 (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of Spain since 1474(including dates of reign) Union of Castile and Aragón Isabella I (of Castile), ruled jointly with Ferdinand II (of Aragón), 1474–1504 Ferdinand II,…

Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, duke of

(Encyclopedia) Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, duke ofShrewsbury, Charles Talbot, duke ofshrōzˈbərē, shr&oomacr;zˈ– [key], 1660–1718, English statesman. Brought up a Roman Catholic, he embraced…

Philip VI, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Philip VI, 1293–1350, king of France (1328–50), son of Charles of Valois and grandson of King Philip III. He succeeded his cousin Charles IV, invoking the Salic law to set aside both…

Prince William | Royal Biographies

  by David Johnson Prince William and his younger brother, Prince Henry (Source:AP) Related Links Royal Family Tree Queen Elizabeth II King Charles III Prince Henry Quiz:…

Rulers of England and Great Britain (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of England and Great Britain(including dates of reign) Saxons and Danes Egbert, 802–39 Æthelwulf, son of Egbert, 839–58 Æthelbald, son of Æthelwulf, 858–60 Æthelbert,…

Peter III, king of Aragón and king of Sicily

(Encyclopedia) Peter III (Peter the Great), 1239?–1285, king of Aragón and count of Barcelona (1276–85) and king of Sicily (1282–85); son and successor of James I. In 1280 he established Aragonese…

Charles IV, king of Spain

(Encyclopedia) Charles IV, 1748–1819, king of Spain (1788–1808), second son of Charles III, whom he succeeded in place of his imbecile older brother. Unlike his father, Charles IV was an ineffective…

Martin IV, d. 1285, pope

(Encyclopedia) Martin IV, d. 1285, pope (1281–85), a Frenchman named Simon de Brie; successor of Nicholas III. He was chancellor under Louis IX of France and was created cardinal by Urban IV. He was…