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How to Use The Columbia Encyclopedia

The Columbia Encyclopedia is easy to use. All articles are arranged alphabetically with each article heading in boldface type. The headings of biographical articles are inverted and alphabetized by…

Holy Roman Emperors (table)

(Encyclopedia) HOLY ROMAN EMPERORS(including dates of reign) Saxon dynasty Otto I, 936–73 Otto II, 973–83 Otto III, 983–1002 Henry II, 1002–24 Salian or Franconian dynasty Conrad II,…

Palikao, Charles Guillaume Cousin-Montauban, comte de

(Encyclopedia) Palikao, Charles Guillaume Cousin-Montauban, comte dePalikao, Charles Guillaume Cousin-Montauban, comte deshärl gēyōmˈ k&oomacr;zăNˈ-môNtōbäNˈ kôNt də pälēkäōˈ [key], 1796–1878,…

1600–1699 (A.D.) World History

Pocahontas (c. 1595–1617) The Library of Congress Picture Collection Galileo (1564–1642) Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) Taj Mahal The Library of Congress Picture Collection…

Robert I, French king

(Encyclopedia) Robert I, c.865–923, French king (922–23), son of Count Robert the Strong and younger brother of King Eudes. He inherited from Eudes the territory between the Seine and the Loire…

John VIII, pope

(Encyclopedia) John VIII, d. 882, pope (872–82), a Roman; successor of Adrian II. John strenuously opposed the activities of St. Ignatius of Constantinople in Bulgaria. When Ignatius died, John…

Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, 3d earl of

(Encyclopedia) Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, 3d earl of, 1658–1735, English general and diplomat. He supported the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and William III made him a privy councillor, first…

Joanna I

(Encyclopedia) Joanna I, 1326–82, queen of Naples (1343–81), countess of Provence. She was the granddaughter of King Robert of Naples, whom she succeeded with her husband, Andrew of Hungary. The…

Valois, royal house of France

(Encyclopedia) ValoisValoisvälwäˈ [key], royal house of France that ruled from 1328 to 1589. At the death of Charles IV, the last of the direct Capetians, the Valois dynasty came to the throne in the…

Dean, John Wesley III

(Encyclopedia) Dean, John Wesley III, 1938- , American lawyer and government official, b. Akron, Oh., College of Wooster, Ohio (B.A., 1961),…