(Encyclopedia) Shanghai Tower, skyscraper in Shanghai, China. Largely completed in 2015 but not opened until 2017, it is the second-tallest building in the world and the tallest structure in China,…
(Encyclopedia) Qinghai HuQinghai Huchĭngˈhīˈ [key]Qinghai Huh&oomacr; [key] or Koko NorKoko Norkōkō nōr [key], salt lake, c.1,625 sq mi (4,210 sq km), in the Tibetan highlands, NE Qinghai prov…
(Encyclopedia) Richthofen, Ferdinand, Baron vonRichthofen, Ferdinand, Baron vonfĕrˈdēnänt bärōnˈ fən rĭkhtˈhōfən [key], 1833–1905, German geographer, geologist, and traveler. He took part in a…
(Encyclopedia) Zhu De or Chu TehZhu Deboth: j&oomacr; dŭ [key], 1886–1976, Chinese Communist soldier and leader. He was graduated (1911) from the Yunnan military academy and served in various…
(Encyclopedia) Triad Society, name given to a number of Chinese antidynastic secret societies by 19th-century Western observers. Most of these groups claimed descent from the Heaven and Earth Society…
(Encyclopedia) ShenyangShenyangshŭn-yäng [key], formerly MukdenShenyangm&oomacr;kˈdŭn [key], city (1994 est. pop. 3,762,000), capital of Liaoning prov., NE China, on the Hun River. It is China's…
Born: Sept. 7, 1944Soccer Serbian who coached United States national team from 1991-95; led Mexico (1986), Costa Rica ('90), USA ('94) and Nigeria ('98) into the 2nd round of the World Cup; coached…
Born: 1920Birthplace: Shanghai, China Magnetic pulse controlling device—Wang's contributions to computer technology included the magnetic pulse controlling device, the principle upon which magnetic…