Round Three: Monarchos vs. Point GivenPreview of the 2001 Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown by John Gettings Kentucky Derby winner Monarchos (left) is sure to face stiff competition from…
John F. Kennedy, Jr., Remembered Reactions of friends, family, and public figures by Beth Rowen Memorials to John F. Kennedy, Jr., appeared at his Tribeca home and the offices of George…
Learn about the history of third party participation in U.S. elections.
Sources: Ralph Nader: AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin; Eugene Debs: AP Photo; Victoria Woodhull: WikiCommons; Theodore…
Don't Be So Touchy!Anatomy and PhysiologyThe SensesWindows to the SoulCan You Hear Me Now?The Nose KnowsDon't Be So Touchy! If you are still troubled by the idea of seven senses, how about this…
Now with a Self-Repairing Option!Anatomy and PhysiologyThe BonesThe Parts of a BoneThat's the Long and Short of ItThe More Things Change …Now with a Self-Repairing Option! One of the things I…
ANALOGUE – SIMPLE BUT RISKYSAMPLINGELECTRONIC CALCULATORLOGIC CIRCUITSFIND OUT MOREThe simplest kind of electronics, known as analogue electronics, works with continuous signals – a smoothly rising…
WAVES AND PARTICLESLIGHTHOUSETRANSMISSION OF LIGHTLIGHT SOURCESSHADOWSFIND OUT MORELight makes the world seem bright and colourful to our eyes. Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that…
MAGNETIC MATERIALSATTRACTION AND REPULSIONMAGNETIC DOMAINSMAGNETIC FIELDFIND OUT MOREMagnetism is what gives magnets their ability to attract objects made of iron or steel. A magnet creates…
Record of the Year“I Honestly Love You,” Olivia Newton-JohnAlbum of the YearFulfillingness' First Finale, Stevie Wonder (Tamla/Motown)Song of the Year“The Way We Were,” Marilyn and Alan Bergman and…