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Eyre, Sir James

(Encyclopedia) Eyre, Sir James, 1734–99, English jurist. As a young lawyer he was counsel (1763) for John Wilkes in the suit against the government that established the illegality of general warrants…

Heckscher, Eli Filip

(Encyclopedia) Heckscher, Eli FilipHeckscher, Eli Filipĕˈlē fĭlˈĭp hĕkˈshər [key], 1879–1952, Swedish economic historian. Influenced by the neoclassical economics of Alfred Marshall, Heckscher…

Godey, Louis Antoine

(Encyclopedia) Godey, Louis AntoineGodey, Louis Antoinegōˈdē [key], 1804–78, American publisher, b. New York City. He was joint founder in 1830 of the Lady's Book (known after his partner's…

Galiani, Ferdinando

(Encyclopedia) Galiani, FerdinandoGaliani, Ferdinandofārdēnänˈdō gälyäˈnē [key], 1728–87, Italian economist, educated for the church. As a very young man he wrote Della moneta [on money] (1750),…

Malcolm IV

(Encyclopedia) Malcolm IV, 1141–65, king of Scotland (1153–65), grandson and successor of David I. On his accession the young king was at once faced with a rebellion of the western Gaels, supported…

Lueger, Karl

(Encyclopedia) Lueger, KarlLueger, Karlkärl lüˈgər [key], 1844–1910, Austrian politician. He was the leader of the Christian Social party. Lueger appealed to the lower middle classes of Vienna…

Mansur, al-, 914–1002, Moorish regent of Córdoba

(Encyclopedia) Mansur, al- (Muhammad ibn Abi-Amir al-Mansur billah), 914–1002, Moorish regent of Córdoba, known in Spanish as Almanzor. He became steward to Princess Subh, wife of the caliph Hakim II…

Kennedy, Nigel

(Encyclopedia) Kennedy, Nigel, 1956–, British violinist. He studied with Dorothy DeLay at Juilliard and debuted as a soloist with the London Philharmonic in 1977. Adept at the classical repertoire,…

Masaoka Shiki

(Encyclopedia) Masaoka ShikiMasaoka Shikimäˈsäˈōˈkä shēˈkē [key], 1867–1902, Japanese waka and haiku poet. Founder of the literary magazine Hototogisu and patron to a number of young poets, Shiki…

Pascin, Jules

(Encyclopedia) Pascin, JulesPascin, Juleszhül päskăNˈ [key], 1885–1930, American painter, b. Bulgaria. Born Julius Pincas, he moved to Paris in 1905. He acquired American citizenship in 1914.…