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Members of the U.S. Senate, 113th Congress

United States > United States Government > Elections Below lists the members of the Senate in the United States' 113th Congress following the November 2012 elections. Dates…

Campaign 2000 | Third Party Candidates

Third Party CandidatesNader, Buchanan, and some candidates you may not have heard about by David Johnson This article was posted on October 16, 2000.According to the Federal Election…

Notable Asian Americans, A-Z

Grace ParkBiographies ofNotable Asian Pacific AmericansA-Z ListGovernment Officials and PoliticiansBusiness and Media LeadersAthletes & Sports PersonalitiesScientistsEntertainers:…

Dublin, city, Republic of Ireland

(Encyclopedia) Dublin, Irish Baile Átha Cliath, county borough (2021 est. pop. 1,430,000), Leinster, capital of the Republic of Ireland, on Dublin…

Taft, William Howard

(Encyclopedia) Taft, William Howard, 1857–1930, 27th President of the United States (1909–13) and 10th chief justice of the United States (1921–30), b. Cincinnati. Taft retired from public life…

1970 – 1979 World History

Richard Nixon(1913–1994)The Library of Congress Picture CollectionMao Zedong(1893–1976)Agence France Press/Archive PhotosIngmar Bergman (1918–2007)Archive PhotosLyndon B. Johnson(1908–1973)The…

Twain, Mark

(Encyclopedia) Twain, Mark, pseud. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835–1910, American author, b. Florida, Mo. As humorist, narrator, and social observer, Twain is unsurpassed in American literature.…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Belize Belize bəlēzˈ [key], independent state within the Commonwealth of Nations (2020 est…