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Algebra: Rational Expressions

Rational Expressions Algebra Rational Expressions Simplifying Rational Expressions Combining Rational Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Rationally Encountering Complex Fractions There are…

DK Science: Flowering Plants

DICOTYLEDONFLOWERSFIND OUT MOREKnown as angiosperms (which means “seed cases”), flowering plants produce seeds inside the swollen base of the FLOWER, the ovary. Flowering plants make up…

1920 Olympics

AntwerpTop 10 StandingsLeading Medal WinnersTrack & FieldSwimmingTeam SportsArcheryBoxingCyclingEquestrianFencingFigure SkatingGymnasticsModern…

Summer Olympics Through the Years: 1936

BerlinTop 10 StandingsLeading Medal WinnersTrack & FieldSwimmingTeam SportsBoxingCanoeingCyclingEquestrianFencingGymnasticsModern PentathlonRowingShootingWeightliftingFreestyle WrestlingGreco-…

Summer Olympics Through the Years: 1988

SeoulTop 10 StandingsLeading Medal WinnersTrack & FieldBoxingGymnasticsSwimmingTennisTeam SportsArcheryCanoeingCyclingEquestrianFencingJudoGymnasticsModern PentathlonRowingShootingSynchronized…

Canada's Quest for Gold

Canada's effort to win gold comes at the expense of other countries by Catherine McNiff Related Links 2010 Winter OlympicsMemorable Olympic MomentsBirth of the Modern…

Phrases: Verbal Phrases: Talk Soup

Verbal Phrases: Talk SoupPhrasesIntroductionPrepositional Phrases: The Big Daddy of PhrasesAppositives: Something More for Your MoneyVerbal Phrases: Talk Soup A verbal is a verb form used as…

1991 World History

Boris Yeltsin (1931–2007) Imapress/Archive Photos   1991 U.S. and Allies at war with Iraq (Jan. 15). Warsaw Pact dissolves military alliance (Feb. 25). Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf…