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Blue Nile

(Encyclopedia) Blue Nile, Arab. Bahr el Azraq, river, c.1,000 mi (1,600 km) long, the chief headstream of the Nile, rising in Lake Tana, NW Ethiopia, at an altitude of c.6,000 ft (1,800 m). It flows…

"Funeral Blues"

The Question: In a funeral scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral, a character reads a beautiful poem about the anger at a friend's death. Who is the author…

Blues Traveler

blues/rock band Lead singer John Popper almost had no choice but to embark upon a music career after his parents had enrolled him in music lessons for one instrument after another, including cello…

diving, deep-sea

(Encyclopedia) diving, deep-sea, act of descending into deep water, generally with some form of breathing apparatus, and remaining there for an extended period. It is used in fishing for sponges,…

Deep Impact Attacks Comet Tempel 1

For the past 138 years, since its discovery in 1867, Comet Tempel 1 has had distant but harmonious relations with the inhabitants of planet Earth. But on July 4, somewhere between Mars and Jupiter…

Weather: Modern Winter of Deep Snows

Modern Winter of Deep SnowsWeatherBlowing Cold and Hot: The Big OnesWinter Gone SouthBig-City SnowsStorm of the Century?The Greatest One of AllModern Winter of Deep SnowsGalveston Storm SurgeThe…

Prussian blue

(Encyclopedia) Prussian blue, pigment widely used for laundry bluing, in dyeing compounds, and in the manufacture of inks and paints. Several varieties are known, one of which consists of the…

blue baby

(Encyclopedia) blue baby, infant born with a congenital heart defect that causes a bluish coloration of the skin as a result of cyanosis (deoxygenated blood). The color is most noticeable around the…