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Horn, Gyula

(Encyclopedia) Horn, Gyula, 1932–2013, Hungarian political leader, b. Budapest, grad. Don Rostov College, Russia. In 1956 he joined Hungary's Communist party and helped crush the anti-Soviet uprising…

hidalgo, in Spanish nobility

(Encyclopedia) hidalgohidalgohēdälˈgō [key] [contraction of Span. hijo de algo=son of something], term designating the lowest degree of Spanish nobility, a rank above the ordinary gentry but below…

Ginastera, Alberto

(Encyclopedia) Ginastera, AlbertoGinastera, Albertoälbārˈtō hēnästāˈrä [key], 1916–83, Argentinean composer, b. Buenos Aires. Ginastera is considered among the most prominent Latin American composers…

Lewisohn, Ludwig

(Encyclopedia) Lewisohn, LudwigLewisohn, Ludwigl&oomacr;ˈĭzōn [key], 1882–1955, American author, b. Berlin. After teaching German at Ohio State (1911–19), he was associate editor for the Nation (…

Marsden, Gerry

(Encyclopedia) Marsden, Gerry, 1942-2021, British pop singer and bandleader, b. Liverpool, England. Marsden was the leader of ‘60s British Invasion…

Arciniegas, Germán

(Encyclopedia) Arciniegas, GermánArciniegas, Germánhĕrmänˈ ärsēnyāˈgäs [key], 1900–1999, Colombian historian and diplomat. A leading Latin American intellectual, he gained prominence as a journalist…

Walker, Albertina

(Encyclopedia) Walker, Albertina, 1929–2010, African-American gospel singer and composer, b. Chicago. A protégé of Mahalia Jackson, she sang with two gospel groups before founding (1951) the Caravans…

Bialik, Hayyim Nahman

(Encyclopedia) Bialik, Hayyim NahmanBialik, Hayyim Nahmanhīˈyəm näˈmən byäˈlēk [key], 1873–1934, Hebrew poet, publisher in Odessa, Berlin, and Tel-Aviv, b. Volhynia, Russia. As an editor and…

Spontini, Gaspare

(Encyclopedia) Spontini, GaspareSpontini, Gasparegäsˈpärā spōntēˈnē [key], 1774–1851, Italian opera composer. Spontini studied music in Naples. He went to Paris in 1803, was soon backed by the…

Silva, Antonio José da

(Encyclopedia) Silva, Antonio José daSilva, Antonio José daəntôˈny&oobreve; zh&oobreve;zĕˈ dä sēlˈvə [key], 1705–39, Portuguese playwright, b. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He belonged to a family…