(Encyclopedia) Horn, Gyula, 1932–2013, Hungarian political leader, b. Budapest, grad. Don Rostov College, Russia. In 1956 he joined Hungary's Communist party and helped crush the anti-Soviet uprising…
(Encyclopedia) hidalgohidalgohēdälˈgō [key] [contraction of Span. hijo de algo=son of something], term designating the lowest degree of Spanish nobility, a rank above the ordinary gentry but below…
(Encyclopedia) Ginastera, AlbertoGinastera, Albertoälbārˈtō hēnästāˈrä [key], 1916–83, Argentinean composer, b. Buenos Aires. Ginastera is considered among the most prominent Latin American composers…
(Encyclopedia) Lewisohn, LudwigLewisohn, Ludwigl&oomacr;ˈĭzōn [key], 1882–1955, American author, b. Berlin. After teaching German at Ohio State (1911–19), he was associate editor for the Nation (…
(Encyclopedia) Arciniegas, GermánArciniegas, Germánhĕrmänˈ ärsēnyāˈgäs [key], 1900–1999, Colombian historian and diplomat. A leading Latin American intellectual, he gained prominence as a journalist…
(Encyclopedia) Walker, Albertina, 1929–2010, African-American gospel singer and composer, b. Chicago. A protégé of Mahalia Jackson, she sang with two gospel groups before founding (1951) the Caravans…
(Encyclopedia) Bialik, Hayyim NahmanBialik, Hayyim Nahmanhīˈyəm näˈmən byäˈlēk [key], 1873–1934, Hebrew poet, publisher in Odessa, Berlin, and Tel-Aviv, b. Volhynia, Russia. As an editor and…
(Encyclopedia) Spontini, GaspareSpontini, Gasparegäsˈpärā spōntēˈnē [key], 1774–1851, Italian opera composer. Spontini studied music in Naples. He went to Paris in 1803, was soon backed by the…
(Encyclopedia) Silva, Antonio José daSilva, Antonio José daəntôˈny&oobreve; zh&oobreve;zĕˈ dä sēlˈvə [key], 1705–39, Portuguese playwright, b. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He belonged to a family…