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Robert Fred ELLSWORTH, Congress, KS (1926)

ELLSWORTH, Robert Fred, a Representative from Kansas; born in Lawrence, Douglas County, Kans., June 11, 1926; attended the Lawrence, Kans., schools; graduated with a B.S. degree from the…

Robert Terry EVERETT, Congress, AL (1937)

EVERETT, Robert Terry, a Representative from Alabama; born in Dothan, Houston County, Ala., February 15, 1937; graduated from the public schools of Midland City, Ala.; attended Enterprise…

Robert BULLOCK, Congress, FL (1828-1905)

BULLOCK, Robert, a Representative from Florida; born in Greenville, Pitt County, N.C., December 8, 1828; attended the common schools; moved to Florida in 1844 and settled at Fort King, then a…

Robert BURNS, Congress, NH (1792-1866)

BURNS, Robert, a Representative from New Hampshire; born in Hudson, Hillsboro County, N.H., December 12, 1792; moved with his parents in childhood to Rumney, Grafton County; studied medicine…

Robert BURTON, Congress, NC (1747-1825)

BURTON, Robert, (uncle of Hutchins Gordon Burton), a Delegate from North Carolina; born near Chase City, Mecklenburg County, Va., October 20, 1747; attended private schools; moved to Granville…

Robert Reyburn BUTLER, Congress, OR (1881-1933)

BUTLER, Robert Reyburn, (grandson of Roderick Randum Butler), a Representative from Oregon; born in Butler, Johnson County, Tenn., September 24, 1881; attended the public schools and Holly…

Robert Blair CAMPBELL, Congress, SC (1862)

CAMPBELL, Robert Blair, (brother of John Campbell of South Carolina), a Representative from South Carolina; born in Marlboro County, S.C., birth date unknown; educated by a private tutor;…

Robert HUMPHREYS, Congress, KY (1893-1977)

Senate Years of Service: 1956-1956Party: DemocratHUMPHREYS, Robert, a Senator from Kentucky; born in Fulgham, Hickman County, Ky., August 20, 1893; educated in public schools and graduated…

Robert Durden INGLIS, Congress, SC (1959)

INGLIS, Robert Durden, a Representative from South Carolina; born in Savannah, Chatham County, Ga., October 11, 1959; graduated from May River Academy, Bluffton, S.C.; B.A., Duke University, Durham…

Jay Robert INSLEE, Congress, WA (1951)

INSLEE, Jay Robert, a Representative from Washington; born in Seattle, King County, Wash., February 9, 1951; graduated from Ingraham High School, Seattle, Wash., 1969; attended Stanford University,…