The crime that shocked the nation by David Johnson Related Links AviationSpirit of St. LouisFlightIncarceration/Capital PunishmentNew JerseyCalled "the biggest story since the…
When introducing a new pet to an already established resident animal, the less threatening the newcomer is, the better the chances he will be accepted. To animals, non-threatening means younger,…
(Encyclopedia) atomic bomb or A-bomb, weapon deriving its explosive force from the release of nuclear energy through the fission (splitting) of heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb was produced…
by Mark Hughes
The 2007 British Academy Video Game Awards were presented on October 23, 2007, at Battersea Evolution in London.
2006 Award Winners
Robert Frost (1874–1963)Archive PhotosJohn H. Glenn, Jr.(1921– )The Library of Congress Picture CollectionWilliam Faulkner (1897–1962)Archive PhotosMalcolm X(1925–1965)Archive PhotosJohn F. Kennedy…
Thabo Mbeki (1942–) Eileen Collins (1956– ) NASA
1999 U.S. agrees to ease restrictions on Cuba (Jan. 4). Dennis Hastert elected to replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the…
Other Noteworthy Releases: A fine way to beat the heat and be entertained Beyond SilenceGerman director Caroline Link's debut is a touching, engaging exploration of the relationship between deaf…
(Encyclopedia) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772–1834, English poet and man of letters, b. Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire; one of the most brilliant, versatile, and influential figures in the English…