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Harry Welles RUSK, Congress, MD (1852-1926)

RUSK, Harry Welles, a Representative from Maryland; born in Baltimore, Md., October 17, 1852; attended private schools; was graduated from the Baltimore City College in 1866 and from the…

Thomas CLAIBORNE, Congress, VA (1749-1812)

CLAIBORNE, Thomas, (father of John Claiborne and Thomas Claiborne [1780-1856], uncle of Nathaniel Herbert Claiborne and William Charles Cole Claiborne, granduncle of John Francis Hamtramck…

CLAIBORNE, Thomas, Congress, VA (1749-1812)

CLAIBORNE, Thomas, (father of John Claiborne and Thomas Claiborne [1780-1856], uncle of Nathaniel Herbert Claiborne and William Charles Cole Claiborne, granduncle of John Francis Hamtramck…

John Cummins EDWARDS, Congress, MO (1804-1888)

EDWARDS, John Cummins, a Representative from Missouri; born in Frankfort, Franklin County, Ky., June 24, 1804; completed preparatory studies and was graduated from Black’s College, Kentucky…

Black Scientists and Inventors

Notable African-American Scientists and Inventors       Benjamin Banneker Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights…

electric and magnetic units

(Encyclopedia) electric and magnetic units, units used to express the magnitudes of various quantities in electricity and magnetism. Three systems of such units, all based on the metric system, are…

Alien and Sedition Acts

(Encyclopedia) Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798, four laws enacted by the Federalist-controlled U.S. Congress, allegedly in response to the hostile actions of the French Revolutionary government on the…

Dutch and Flemish literature

(Encyclopedia) Dutch and Flemish literature, literary works written in the standard language of the Low Countries since the Middle Ages. It is conventional to use the term Dutch when referring to the…

Economic and Social Council

(Encyclopedia) Economic and Social Council, constituent organ of the United Nations. It was established by the UN Charter and has 54 (18 before 1965) member nations elected for three-year terms (one…