Senate Years of Service: 1841-1847 Party: Whig MOREHEAD, James Turner, a Senator from Kentucky; born near Shepherdsville, Bullitt County, Ky., May 24, 1797; attended the public schools and…
Infoplease Spotlight: 52nd Little League World Series Pitching always seems to steal the limelight in the championship game. Eighteen final games (36 percent) have ended in shut-outs. Twice in…
Super Bowl Ads 2001:Revenge of the Blue Chips Philip Morris and Mastercard are in; the dot-coms are out by Mike Morrison No more No more No more OurBeginning.…
ABZUG, Bella Savitzky, a Representative from New York; born Bella Savitzky in New York City, July 24, 1920; attended the local public schools; A.B., Hunter College, New York City, 1942; LL.B…
ADAMS, John, (father of John Quincy Adams; grandfather of Charles Francis Adams; cousin of Samuel Adams; father-in-law of William Stephens Smith), a Delegate from Massachusetts and a Vice…
Senate Years of Service: 1941-1975Party: RepublicanAIKEN, George David, a Senator from Vermont; born in Dummerston, Windham County, Vt., August 20, 1892; moved with his parents to Putney, Vt…
The Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov was the first person to walk in space. On March 18, 1965, he floated outside his Voskhod 2 spacecraft for more than 10 minutes. Even though his lifeline extended…
HANSEN, Julia Butler, a Representative from Washington; born Julia Caroline Butler, June 14, 1907, in Portland, Multnomah County, Oreg.; attended the public schools of Washington and Oregon…
Senate Years of Service: 1877-1895Party: DemocratCOKE, Richard, (nephew of Richard Coke, Jr.), a Senator from Texas; born in Williamsburg, James City County, Va., March 13, 1829; attended the…
Senate Years of Service: 1897-1903Party: RepublicanMASON, William Ernest, (father of Winnifred Sprague Mason Huck), a Representative and a Senator from Illinois; born in Franklinville,…