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Algebra: Area and Volume Problems

Area and Volume Problems Algebra Whipping Word Problems Interest Problems Area and Volume Problems Speed and Distance Problems Mixture and Combination Problems Algebra teachers have a lot of…

Summer Movies

Other Noteworthy Releases: A fine way to beat the heat and be entertained Beyond SilenceGerman director Caroline Link's debut is a touching, engaging exploration of the relationship between deaf…

Lifetime World Series Records

(through 2005)Most hits—71, Yogi Berra, New York A.L., 1947, 1949–53, 1955–58, 1960–63.Most runs—42, Mickey Mantle, New York A.L., 1951–53, 1955–58, 1960–64.Most runs batted in—40, Mickey Mantle,…

2006 Golden Globe Awards

The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards were presented January 15, 2007 at the Beverly Hilton. Here are the movie awards. Best Motion Picture—Drama…

Entertainment Bios — E

Steve EarleClint EastwoodRoger EbertBuddy EbsenNelson EddyLeon EdelKenneth “Babyface” EdmondsW. D. EdmondsAnthony EdwardsNicole EggertAtom EgoyanBarbara EhrenreichCarmen ElectraErika EleniakJenna…

Other Selected Athletes

Lance Armstrong winning the 1999 Tour de France See also Lance Armstrong Notable Summer Olympians, A-Z Notable Winter Olympics Biographies, A-Z People in the News Recent Obituaries…

Winter Olympics 2010 | Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver, Canada   Memorable Moments Franz Klammer The man who gave himself "terrible frights" Read more memorable moments Winter Olympics Through The Years…

Summer Olympics Through the Years: 1932

Los AngelesTop 10 StandingsLeading Medal WinnersTrack & FieldSwimmingTeam SportsBoxingCyclingEquestrianFencingGymnasticsModern PentathlonRowingWeightliftingFreestyle WrestlingGreco-Roman…

Women in American Religion

Even though it is only recently that women have been permitted to hold official roles in many religions, they have always been central to American religious life.…

Father's Day — Dads on TV

  Father Grows UpA history of TV's most famous dads   by Beth Rowen   The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet Dear old dad has come a long way on the small screen, from television's early…