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Elizabeth of Valois

(Encyclopedia) Elizabeth of ValoisElizabeth of Valoisvălˈwä, Fr. välwäˈ [key], 1545–68, queen of Spain, daughter of Henry II of France. Originally intended to wed Don Carlos, son of Philip II of…

Mother's Day Quiz: 1

by Beth Rowen More Mother's Day features Question 1: Marie Curie and her daughter Irene-Joliot Curie both…

Mother's Day Quotations

  Mother's Day Quotations   Need a suggestion for your Mother's Day card?   compiled by Christine Frantz     To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its…

British Royalty: History & Biographies

Find everything you need and want to know about the British Royal Family, past and present. Read biographies and find information about royal weddings — and royal scandals…

Frederick the Winter King

(Encyclopedia) Frederick the Winter King, 1596–1632, king of Bohemia (1619–20), elector palatine (1610–20) as Frederick V. The Protestant diet of Bohemia deposed the Roman Catholic King Ferdinand (…

Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 3d earl of

(Encyclopedia) Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, 3d earl of, 1535–95, English nobleman. Through his mother, Catherine Pole, a great-granddaughter of the duke of Clarence (brother of Edward IV and Richard…

John, Augustus Edwin

(Encyclopedia) John, Augustus Edwin, 1879–1961, British painter and etcher, b. Wales. John studied at the Slade School, London. A leading portrait painter, he had many important sitters, among them…

Joanna, Spanish queen of Castile

(Encyclopedia) Joanna (Joanna the Mad), 1479–1555, Spanish queen of Castile and León (1504–55), daughter of Ferdinand II and Isabella I. She succeeded to Castile and León at the death of her mother.…

Albert I, king of the Belgians

(Encyclopedia) Albert I, 1875–1934, king of the Belgians (1909–34), nephew and successor of Leopold II. He married (1900) Elizabeth, a Bavarian princess. In World War I his heroic resistance (1914)…