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Super Bowl XXXV Preview

Super Bowl Preview 2001 Giants vs. RavensJan. 28, 2001, 6:00 p.m. by Michael Morrison On the DefensiveBy now you've likely heard all the Super Bowl hype you can stand. You've heard all…

Projected NBA Lottery Picks

Projected Draft Lottery Picks (#1–13) 1. Los Angeles ClippersMike Bibby, PG, 6'2 (Arizona) The Clippers always find a way to mess things up. While Maurice Taylor ('97 pick) is the only…

Types of Volcanoes

—Robert I. Tilling Source: U.S. Geological Survey Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds—cinder cones, composite volcanoes,…

At the Movies with the Beatles

The following is a list of movies featuring the Beatles as well as films inspired by them. by Jennie Wood The Beatles Related Links The Beatles Timeline…

DK Science: Glossary

Adaptationthe response of a living organism to changes in its environment.Agea unit of geological time, which is characterized by some feature (like an Ice Age).Ambera yellowish, fossilized tree…

1968 Grammy Awards

Record of the Year“Mrs. Robinson,” Simon and GarfunkelAlbum of the YearBy the Time I Get to Phoenix, Glen Campbell (Capitol)Song of the Year“Little Green Apples,” Bobby Russell, songwriterBest New…

National Football League Team Profiles

America's Favorite Pastime by Mark Zurlo With millions of fans across the globe, football has become one of the world's most popular sports, and has (arguably) replaced baseball…

D - F

David DaleMarcus DalyThomas DanforthHerbert Joseph DavenportEdward DavyCharles Gates DawesGerard DebreuJohn DeereAmasa DelanoOscar de la RentaWarren de la RueMichael DellWilliam Edwards…