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(Encyclopedia) Renaissance art and architecture, works of art and structures produced in Europe during the Renaissance.
In England the Renaissance flowered in the middle of the 16th cent. The…
Women's rights and women's suffrage have been contentious issues for centuries, with any movement toward equality and inclusivity being an uphill battle for many. Here, we will break down the women…
(Encyclopedia) novel, in modern literary usage, a sustained work of prose fiction a volume or more in length. It is distinguished from the short story and the fictional sketch, which are necessarily…
(Encyclopedia) English literature, literature written in English since c.1450 by the inhabitants of the British Isles; it was during the 15th cent. that the English language acquired much of its…
MassachusettsMassachusettsmăsəch&oomacr;ˈsĭts [key], most populous of the New England states of the NE United States. It is bordered by New York (W), Vermont and New…
(Encyclopedia) American literature, literature in English produced in what is now the United States of America.
The years immediately after World War I brought a highly vocal rebellion against…
(Encyclopedia) Nobel Prizes
Physiology or Medicine
J. H. Dunant
Frédéric Passy
J. H. van't Hoff
W. C. Roentgen
E. A. von Behring
R. F. A. Sully-…
Poland, Pol. Polska, officially Republic of Poland, republic (2015 est. pop. 38,265,000), 120,725 sq mi (312,677 sq km), central Europe. It borders on Germany in the west, on…