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The Supreme Court: Limiting Forced Medication

Limiting Forced MedicationThe Supreme CourtArresting RulesLimiting Forced MedicationConfessing Illegally Can the government force psychotic defendants to take drugs? The Supreme Court…

Famous Firsts by African Americans

500 Notable African American Biographies A-Z List Civil Rights Leaders Figures in Abolitionism Government Officials Religious Leaders Scholars & Educators Scientists & Inventors Entertainers…

Presidential Portrait Gallery

The Presidential Gallery An illustrated guide to the presidents of the United States[ Go to the First Ladies Gallery or the Presidential Factfile! ] Barack Obama2009–Present George W…

Members of Congress: US, Congress,

Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from US Member Name Birth-Death ADAMS, John 1735-1826 ADAMS, John Quincy 1767-1848 AGNEW, Spiro Theodore 1918-1996 ALBERT, Carl…

Selected Activists and Reformers

Sojourner Truth See also Martin Luther King, Jr., Biography Martin Luther King, Jr., Timeline African-American Religious Leaders Civil Rights Leaders Civil Rights Movement Heroes…


(Encyclopedia) plutoniumplutoniumpl&oomacr;tōˈnēəm [key], radioactive chemical element; symbol Pu; at. no. 94; mass no. of most stable isotope 244; m.p. 641℃; b.p. 3,232℃; sp. gr. 19.84 at 20℃;…


(Encyclopedia) oratory, the art of swaying an audience by eloquent speech. In ancient Greece and Rome oratory was included under the term rhetoric, which meant the art of composing as well as…


(Encyclopedia) AbbasidAbbasidəbăˈsĭd, ăˈbəsĭd [key] or AbbasideAbbaside–sīd, –sĭd [key], Arab family descended from Abbas, the uncle of Muhammad. The Abbasids held the caliphate from 749 to 1258, but…