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Alien and Sedition Acts

(Encyclopedia) Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798, four laws enacted by the Federalist-controlled U.S. Congress, allegedly in response to the hostile actions of the French Revolutionary government on the…

Houellebecq, Michel

(Encyclopedia) Houellebecq, MichelHouellebecq, Michelmēshĕlˈ wĕlˈbĕk [key], b. 1958– or 1956–, French author, perhaps France's best-known contemporary novelist, b. Réunion as Michel Thomas. A…

Gorky, Arshile

(Encyclopedia) Gorky, ArshileGorky, Arshileärˈshīl gôrˈkē [key], c.1900–48, American painter, b. Armenia as Vosdanig Adoian. He escaped the Turkish slaughter of Armenians, emigrated to the United…

Camões, Luís de

(Encyclopedia) Camões or Camoens, Luís deCamões or Camoens, Luís deboth: l&oomacr;ēshˈ dĭ kəmoiNshˈ [key], 1524?–1580, Portuguese poet, the greatest figure in Portuguese literature. Born of a…

Africa: Rulers

Congo: Rulers Theophile Theodore Joseph Antoine Baron Wahis, governor-general of the Belgian Congo (1900–12) Felix Alexandre Fuch, governor-general of the Belgian Congo (1912–16) Eugene Joseph…

Farrakhan, Louis

(Encyclopedia) Farrakhan, LouisFarrakhan, Louisfârˈəkănˌ, färˈəkänˌ [key], 1933–, African-American religious leader, b. New York City, as Louis Eugene Walcott. A former calypso singer known as “The…

Hansen, Lars Peter

(Encyclopedia) Hansen, Lars Peter, 1952–, U.S. economist, b. Champaign, Ill., Ph.D. Univ. of Minnesota, 1978. After teaching at Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh (1978–81), he joined the faculty of…

Morris, Robert, 1931–2018, American artist

(Encyclopedia) Morris, Robert (Robert Eugene Morris), 1931–2018, American artist, b. Kansas City, Mo., studied Kansas City Art Institute, California School of Fine Arts, Reed College. He settled in…

Adrian IV, pope

(Encyclopedia) Adrian IV, d. 1159, pope (1154–59), an Englishman (the only English pope), b. Nicholas Breakspear at Langley, near St. Albans. He was successor of Anastasius IV. At an early age he…