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Guadalupe Victoria

(Encyclopedia) Guadalupe VictoriaGuadalupe Victoriagwäᵺäl&oomacr;ˈpā vēktōrˈyä [key], 1786?–1843, Mexican general, first president of Mexico (1824–29), whose original name was Manuel Félix…

Rachel, French actress

(Encyclopedia) RachelRachelräshĕlˈ [key], stage name of Élisa FélixRachelālēˈzä fālēksˈ [key], 1821–58, French actress, b. Switzerland. Exploited by her father in her childhood, she sang in the…

Nicholas V, pope

(Encyclopedia) Nicholas V, 1397–1455, pope (1447–55), an Italian named Tommaso Parentucelli, b. probably Sarzana, Liguria; successor of Eugene IV. From Eugene IV he inherited the antipapal enactments…

Windischgrätz, Alfred, Fürst zu

(Encyclopedia) Windischgrätz or Windisch-Grätz, Alfred, Fürst zuWindischgrätz or Windisch-Grätz, Alfred, Fürst zuälˈfrāt fürst ts&oomacr; vĭnˈdĭshgrĕtsˈ [key], 1787–1862, Austrian field marshal.…


(Encyclopedia) YamoussoukroYamoussoukroyäməs&oomacr;ˈkrō [key], city (1990 est. pop. 100,000), designated capital of Côte d'Ivoire, S central Côte d'Ivoire. A small town of less than 20,000…

Mexico: Presidents

Presidents Guadalupe Victoria (1824–1829) Vicente Ramón Guerrero (1829) Pedro Velez, Lucas Alamán Luis de Quintana, acting presidents (!829–1830) Anastasio Bustamante (1830–1832, 1837–1841)…

Eugene IV

(Encyclopedia) Eugene IV, 1383–1447, pope (1431–47), a Venetian named Gabriele Condulmer; successor of Martin V. He was of exemplary character and ascetic habits. Gregory XII, his uncle, made him…

Boothia Peninsula

(Encyclopedia) Boothia PeninsulaBoothia Peninsulab&oomacr;ˈthēə [key], 12,483 sq mi (32,331 sq km), Nunavut Territory, Canada; the northernmost (71°58′N) tip of the North American mainland. It is…

Loubet, Émile François

(Encyclopedia) Loubet, Émile FrançoisLoubet, Émile Françoisāmēlˈ fräNswäˈ l&oomacr;bāˈ [key], 1838–1929, president of the French republic (1899–1906). As a member of the chamber of deputies, he…