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The Supreme Court: Vinson Court, 1946 to 1953

Vinson Court, 1946 to 1953The Supreme CourtEbbs and Flows of Court LeadershipTaney Court, 1837 to 1864Chase Court, 1864 to 1873Waite Court, 1874 to 1888Fuller Court, 1888 to 1910White Court,…

Information Please: 1963

1963 World | US | Sports | Entertainment | Deaths | Year in Science World Events  World StatisticsPopulation: 4,123,678population by decadeLiteracy: 44%more world statistics... Nov.…

Assassinations and Attempts in U.S. Since 1865

Lincoln, Abraham (president of U.S.): Shot April 14, 1865, in Washington, DC, by John Wilkes Booth; died April 15.Seward, William H. (secretary of state): Escaped assassination (though injured)…

Members of Congress: Alabama, Congress,

Biographies of U.S. representatives and senators from Alabama Member Name Birth-Death ABERCROMBIE, James 1795-1861 ABERCROMBIE, John William 1866-1940 ADERHOLT, Robert 1965- …


(Encyclopedia) coot, common name for a migratory marsh bird related to rails and gallinules and found in North America and Europe. The American coot (Fulica americana), or mud hen, is slate gray with…


(Encyclopedia) arsenopyritearsenopyriteärˌsĭnōpīˈrīt, ärsĕnˈō– [key] or mispickelmispickelmĭsˈpĭkəl [key], silver-white to steel-gray mineral with the metallic luster characteristic of a pyrite. It…


(Encyclopedia) bayberry, common name for the Myricaceae, a family of trees and shrubs with aromatic foliage, found chiefly in temperate and subtropical regions. The waxy gray “berries” of the North…


(Encyclopedia) whippet, breed of small, slender hound developed in England in the mid-18th cent. It stands between 18 and 22 in. (45.7–55.8 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs about 20 lb (9 kg). Its…


(Encyclopedia) quartzite, usually metamorphic rock composed of firmly cemented quartz grains. Most often it is white, light gray, yellowish, or light brown, but is sometimes colored blue, green,…


(Encyclopedia) stibnitestibnitestĭbˈnīt [key], antimony sulfide, Sb2S3, a mineral, silvery gray in color, with a metallic luster. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. Found in many parts of…