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Gray, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Robert, 1755–1806, American sea captain, discoverer of the Columbia River, b. Tiverton, R.I. He probably served in the Continental navy in the American Revolution. In 1787 he and…

Gray, Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Stephen, 1666–1736, English physicist. Gray, a dyer by trade, cultivated science as a hobby. In 1696 he published an account of a magnifying glass that interested the Royal…

Gray, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Thomas, 1716–71, English poet. He was educated at Eton and Peterhouse, Cambridge. In 1739 he began a grand tour of the Continent with Horace Walpole. They quarreled in Italy, and…

gray matter

(Encyclopedia) gray matter: see nervous system.

Gray's Inn

(Encyclopedia) Gray's Inn: see Inns of Court.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

(Encyclopedia) Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Freddie Mac, government-sponsored enterprise that uses private capital to buy home mortgages as a means to help lower housing…

Edwin GRAY, Congress, VA (1743)

GRAY, Edwin, a Representative from Virginia; born in Southampton County, Va., July 18, 1743; educated at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.; served in the colonial House of…

Why does hair turn gray?

The Question: What causes gray hairs to sprout as a person grows older? The Answer: Cells in hair follicles called melanocytes generate melanin…

Gray, Hanna Holborn

(Encyclopedia) Gray, Hanna Holborn, 1930–, American historian, president of the Univ. of Chicago (1978–93), b. Germany. Her father, the eminent historian Hajo Holborn, fled the Nazis in 1934 and…