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Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

president's motherBorn: July 22, 1890Birthplace: Boston, Mass. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy was the oldest of six children born to Josephine Hannon and John “Honey Fitz” Fitzgerald, a colorful and…

Joseph H. BOTTUM, Congress, SD (1903-1984)

Senate Years of Service: 1962-1963Party: RepublicanBOTTUM, Joseph H., a Senator from South Dakota; born in Faulkton, Faulk County, S.Dak., August 7, 1903; attended the public schools of…

1993 CMA Awards

Entertainer of the YearVince GillSingle of the Year“Chattahoochee,” Alan JacksonAlbum of the YearI Still Believe in You, Vince Gill (MCA)Song of the Year (Songwriter's Award)“I Still Believe in You…

N - Q

John Naber Bronko Nagurski James Naismith Joe Namath Ilie Nastase Martina Navratilova Cosmas Ndeti Earle (Greasy) Neale Primo Nebiolo Byron Nelson Lindsey…


hard-rock band Grammy Award-winning hard-rock band known for its blues-influenced style, flamboyant stage presence and an amazing 1984 comeback. After a long battle with drugs and bad blood within…

Bella Savitzky ABZUG, Congress, NY (1920-1998)

ABZUG, Bella Savitzky, a Representative from New York; born Bella Savitzky in New York City, July 24, 1920; attended the local public schools; A.B., Hunter College, New York City, 1942; LL.B…

Joseph LANE, Congress, OR (1801-1881)

Senate Years of Service: 1859-1861Party: DemocratLANE, Joseph, (father of La Fayette Lane and grandfather of Harry Lane), a Delegate and a Senator from Oregon; born in Buncombe County, N.C.,…

Arthur Vivian WATKINS, Congress, UT (1886-1973)

Senate Years of Service: 1947-1959Party: RepublicanWATKINS, Arthur Vivian, a Senator from Utah; born in Midway, Wasatch County, Utah, December 18, 1886; attended the public schools, Brigham…

Stanley Cup 1998 | Defense

Spotlight on the Stanley Cup: Defense Detroit Not a whole lot of weakness here either. The Wings' exceptional defense, led by Norris Trophy finalist Lidstrom, has given up a paltry 2.00 goals per…