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Jones, Ernest Charles

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Ernest Charles, 1819–69, English radical, lawyer, journalist, and poet. He was a prominent leader of the more militant wing of the Chartists (see Chartism). After imprisonment…

Jones, George Glenn

(Encyclopedia) Jones, George Glenn, 1931–2013, American country music singer and guitarist, b. Saratoga, Tex. Influenced by Roy Acuff and Hank Williams, he began recording in 1954; among his early…

Jones, Henry Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Henry Arthur, 1851–1929, English playwright. His reputation was first established with the melodrama The Silver King (with Henry Herman; 1882). Strongly influenced by the great…

Jones, James Earl

(Encyclopedia) Jones, James Earl, 1931–, American actor, b. Tate co., Miss. Jones made his stage debut at the Univ. of Michigan and appeared thereafter for seven years with the New York Shakespeare…

Jones, Jesse Holman

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Jesse Holman, 1874–1956, U.S. Secretary of Commerce (1940–45), b. Robertson co., Tenn. A lumber magnate, banker, and millionaire of Houston, Tex., Jones was appointed (1932) by…

Jones, John Paul

(Encyclopedia) Jones, John Paul, 1747–92, American naval hero, b. near Kirkcudbright, Scotland. His name was originally simply John Paul. After the Revolution Jones was sent to Europe to collect…

Jones, Mary Harris

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Mary Harris, 1830–1930, American labor agitator, called Mother Jones, b. Ireland. Interested in the labor movement for many years, she became active in it after the death of her…

Jones, Robert Edmond

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Robert Edmond, 1887–1954, American scene designer, b. Milton, N.H. With his design in 1915 for The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife, a new era of scene design began in the United…

Jones, Samuel Milton

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Samuel Milton, 1846–1904, American political reformer, known as “Golden Rule” Jones, b. Wales. He was brought to America as a child and worked in the oil fields of Pennsylvania…

Jones, Sir William

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Sir William, 1746–94, English philologist and jurist. Jones was celebrated for his understanding of jurisprudence and of Oriental languages. He published an Essay on the Law of…