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Notable Philosophers

René Descartes See also People in the NewsRecent Obituaries Related Links Philosophy Major Religions of the World Biographies by CategoryAbelard, Peter, French…

Joyce, James

(Encyclopedia) Joyce, James, 1882–1941, Irish novelist. Perhaps the most influential and significant novelist of the 20th cent., Joyce was a master of the English language, exploiting all of its…

Notable Protestant Religious Leaders

Billy Graham See also Notable African-American Religious Leaders People in the NewsRecent Obituaries Related Links Christianity Selected Worldwide Religious Sites Holidays:…


(Encyclopedia) skyscraper, modern building of great height, constructed on a steel skeleton. The form originated in the United States. By convention, a skyscraper is a building that is used…

acids and bases

(Encyclopedia) acids and bases, two related classes of chemicals; the members of each class have a number of common properties when dissolved in a solvent, usually water. Another theory that…

Scientists: Physical Sciences

  Notable Scientists: Physical Sciences Astronomers, astrophysicists, chemists, and physicists     Jump to a category: AstronomersAstrophysicistsChemistsPhysicists…

Hong Kong

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Hong KongHong Konghŏng kŏng [key], Mandarin Xianggang, special administrative region of China, formerly a British crown colony (2015 est. pop. 7,246,000), land area 422 sq mi (1…

Canadian literature, English

(Encyclopedia) Canadian literature, English, literary works produced in Canada and written in the English language. The essayist Northrop Frye is noted for his systematic classification of…


(Encyclopedia) piracy, robbery committed or attempted on the high seas. It is distinguished from privateering in that the pirate holds no commission from and receives the protection of no nation but…